What is HyperAutomation?

Harold Engstrom • September 8, 2022

We've all heard the term automation in business before, but hyperautomation may raise some eyebrows. How does one speed up what's already being automated by robots, machine learning, and other AI tools? And what exactly is hyperautomation?

Learn our definition of hyperautomation below, plus see how hyper automation can positively impact businesses in the private sector, government entities, and SaaS companies.

What is Hyperautomation? 

Hyperautomation is a process used by businesses to identify and automate as many processes across a business as possible. Using a combination of tools such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and more, companies can automate even complex business tasks, streamline their work processes, and increase profits and workflow simultaneously.

Hyperautomation practices and tools can be used to determine:

● What work should and shouldn't be automated in a workplace.

● Which tools are most appropriate to automate a work task.

● Generate more robust sets of data for future use.

● How to incorporate legacy systems most efficiently.

● How automation can reduce business costs

The term 'hyperautomation' was coined by IT research firm Gartner in 2019.

Benefits of Hyperautomation

● Smarter, more productive work cycles.

● Reduced cost to run your business.

● As AI tools grow in popularity, hyperautomation as a business solution becomes more affordable.

● Improve workplace efficiency.

● Generate a wealth of data that can be used to inform future decisions.

Automation vs. Hyperautomation

Where automation looks to improve a single business task using a computer, hyperautomation looks at how everything in your business can be streamlined and automated. In the former, you're using one tool for one aspect of your business. With hyperautomation, you're radicalizing how you operate across the board, testing, evaluating, and making decisions with speed and agility in mind.

One way to remember the difference between the two is that hyper automation actually automates the process of automation—assuming the tools determine that's the best course of action, that is. 

You might also hear people compare hyperautomation vs. intelligent automation. The difference there is that intelligent automation primarily focuses on tools like ML and AI to improve business, whereas hyperautomation is, again, concerned with a broader picture.

Hyperautomation for Project Management

How a business operates says a lot about how effective it is, and project management tools often lead the charge. Hyperautomation for project management ensures that the platform you use to communicate, organize, and delegate tasks runs as efficiently as possible. 

Changing the tools a company relies on to do business can be scary. Especially considering they have to be done in a sort period of time to prevent a disruption of workflow. But switching to tools that allow you to hyperautomate can shave hours off processing times, improving profits and making tasks more worker-friendly for your employees.

Not for nothing, businesses that adopt hyperautomation practices also tend to attract more qualified candidates—people who are looking for engaging, efficient workplaces. Since the term was coined in 2019, it has become a staple of technological trends to watch out for in 2022 and beyond.

Hyperautomation for Government 

Even government entities are being forced to digitize their work flow. This is no easy challenge, given that they often have fewer resources at their disposal. 

Hyperautomation for government could be especially helpful for integrating and repurposing legacy systems, something government entities are famous for keeping around. A recent Forbes article lists legacy systems as one of the biggest money and time wasters. Maintenance alone tends to cost government entities valuable resources.

Fortunately, the benefits of hyperautomation for government entities work two-fold. They actually lower costs, freeing up valuable resources. And they also tend to improve efficiency so that less time is wasted.

Hyperautomation for OEM/Saas

As the number of SaaS companies grow (estimates say there are more than 25,000 public software-as-a-service businesses in the U.S. in 2022), automation tools that meet their need will undoubtedly increase, too. Agility is a requirement for even startup-phase SaaS companies, which many products simply can't offer.

FlowWright happens to be the only embeddable automation software for SaaS companies available on the market. It can also be customized to meet your needs in the proof-of-concept phase as part of our 14-day free trial. 

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