As business processes become more complex, whether generally or within an enterprise, the need for automation grows. While tech giants can afford to hire teams of experts, small and medium-sized organizations still need to keep up.
Fortunately, it’s well worth the investment. Companies that invested in automation now enjoy a 5% to 7% increase in revenue! Let’s talk about the future of business automation in the form of low-code, high-performance AI.
When you use artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning (ML), you need to program it to some extent. Even if it’s pre-programmed to carry out specific functions, you still need to optimize it for your specific tasks and workflow. Otherwise, it can’t carry out its intended functions.
For real-world examples of AI and ML, sites like Facebook need high levels of programming for their algorithms to control users’ feeds. To complete this, they have teams of data analysts and data scientists prepared to improve their code. However, something much more impressive is continuing behind the scenes.
Their advanced ML constantly develops itself on its own, along with the supplemental help of human intervention. This means AI can go a long way, even without expert coding. With the right platform, you can control and define your programs graphically, akin to using a DIY website designer. Let’s talk about how these low-code platforms work.
Okay, you understand what we mean when we say low-code automation. Now, let’s talk about how low-code, high-performance AI works.
Again, it’s not that low code means that there is little to no code present. Instead, it’s a system that requires little to no coding to develop its code.
Therefore, a fully graphical design means that you can make changes and define tasks quickly and easily. For example, when you need to change or adopt a microservice, you can easily press clearly-labeled buttons to do so rather than coding a new section of your algorithm from scratch. This type of automation is the easiest for beginners to use while still allowing for nearly unlimited functions to manage their workflow.
Machine learning allows your AI to adopt new concepts automatically. This means it requires minimal intervention to continue adapting to your ever-expanding and changing workflow. When programmed correctly, the right AI will continue to develop itself over time.
Finally, having the right platform is one thing, but no system is flawless. For that reason, it’s essential to have access to experts who can help manage your system when you run into a challenge.
Well, that’s why FlowWright has a support portal that gives you access to expert assistance when you need it. You won’t have to hire a six-figure-salary data scientist to help you, as the support you need comes free with our platform!
Take a moment to consider how far technology has come in the last ten years, and how much you’ve adopted in your business already. Imagine how far it will go in another ten years. It will likely be too much to manage on your own.
Moreover, do you imagine a future where everybody learns how to code? Neither do we. Even so, every enterprise needs automation to some extent, especially as they continue to scale.
For these reasons and more, rather than hiring a team of skilled data scientists, businesses will need to adopt customizable, low-code, high-performance tools to manage their workflows. Platforms like FlowWright will allow you to manage your data with little to no coding, and you or your team can learn everything you need in an easy 3 to 4-day training course for business analysts, managers, or owners!
More importantly, these programs are scalable. There’s no limit to the workflow they can handle, allowing enterprises to expand their platforms, tenants, customer base, and workflow exponentially without interruptions or an increased need for human intervention. Once it’s programmed correctly, the sky is the limit!
Now that you know why low-code, high-performance technology is the future of digital business processes, why wait? The technology exists now and actively helps businesses of all sizes manage their workflow, so adopt this technology early and get ahead of the competition!
Keep reading our blog for our latest process management tips, and check out our business process automation software to learn more!
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