As organizations around the globe are automating manual processes
into digital processes using FlowWright, FlowWright v9.10
takes workflow processes to the next level by turning workflows into REST API based Microservices. Microservices are starting to become very common today. Let’s say you are automating the order creation, order status and cancelation of orders for a food order service. In a normal environment, all these services would have to be built using code. FlowWright will let you build all these Microservices using just a drag and drop environment. Just as if you would build a workflow process, build the workflow process and turn that workflow process into a Microservice.
If tomorrow the order dispatch notifications need to be changed, then it’s a matter of making a change to the graphical process. Since Microservices execute synchronously, without any waits, the process needs to be designed in such a way that there are no user-interactive steps within the process.
FlowWright engine is designed to execute in 2 different modes, background mode by default, and the other being real-time execution mode. In real-time execution mode, FlowWright engine is able to execute a workflow instance in memory, without requiring any kind of database connectivity. The real-time execution mode perfectly blends with Microservices, giving the performance and the architecture required to accomplish Microservices through FlowWright.
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