Workflow Automation UI Customized Branding for Easy White Labeling
Harold Engstrom • October 26, 2020
Many customers use FlowWright's user interfaces in their own applications - using API calls to choose elements (or whole webpages) of the FlowWright UI in their own User Interfaces. It is important to those customers for FlowWright UI elements be consistent in look and feel with their own company and application standards. FlowWright's new version 9.8 now allows you to customize the Flowwright UI to match your organizations UI scheme. FlowWright now lets you change the following:
Login and application logo image
Foreground & background colors for different parts of the UI
Font type
Full details on the customized branding can be found in our documentation center -> How To Build
We share how AI extracts information from documents, how our decision tables classify these documents, and how the entire workflow seamlessly integrates with a DMS.
We highlight how our workflow automation tool leverages AI to extract valuable data from emails, processes this information using decision tables, and more.
See of FlowWright IDP in action. Let's customize your free proof of concept (POC).