To Have A Successful BPM Implementation Use The Best Workflow Management Software Components
Compiling a list of what it takes to insure a successful BPM (business process management) implementation could be a lengthy and time consuming endeavor. Here are 5 (five), must have components on your list in order to insure a successful BPM project.
1. Create a resource team comprised of all the stakeholders.
Everyone who is going to use the system or support the system needs to be represented. Typically these are the management business analysts, the process workers or domain experts and the information technology experts. Documenting the business analyst and domain experts needs , based on their process knowledge, business intelligence and reporting needs is essential for the long term utility of the BPM solution. Knowing how and why the companies workflow functions as it does, is not enough to insure a successful BPM project. To have a successful BPM implementation you need to connect these islands of office automation together with procedures, workflow rules and people. This is where the information technology experts add the missing support element with their knowledge of the associated technology. Combining the management business analysts, the process workers or domain experts and the information technology experts into one team is a must have component for s successful BPM project.
2. Select a workflow display method that suites your organization and what you are trying to automate
This is a conceptual process step that pays dividends during the design, implementation and life-cycle support stages of the project. Sometimes, top down workflow designs work better for one organization while another process performs better moving left to right. When communicating an automation concept to a group of people we tend to use charts and pictures to represent process steps or actions. Our effort here is to insure that everyone associated with the project understands the information exactly the same way. Easy to understand translates to easy to use which equals a successful BPM project.
3. Understand what is a project requirement versus what would be a future enhancement
Defining a projects scope of supply or deliverable is the keystone of every successful BPM project. The driving reason for a company to invest in automating a workflow process is to gain efficiency. By separating workflow actions or process steps into what is required for the companies immediate and stated requirements you are able to focus your efforts and increase the probability of a successful BPM project. However, with the knowledge of what the customer plans to do in the follow on phases you can build in expansion links, ports or capacity. As simple as running another network cable while you had access to the cable trays. Perhaps leaving a section of the application screen open to that you could drop a new function in place without having to redesign the whole screen or page layout. Focusing on what the project deliverables are but planning for the future will help insure a successful BPM implementation.
4. Process monitoring and optimization should be full functioning components of each workflow for a successful BPM process
Each stakeholder will need the ability to access the system in order to perform assigned tasks and monitor workflow performance. After all, that is what they could do before somebody got the idea to automate the workflow. Seems only logical to assume that they could still perform their work with or without this fancy new tool. Building monitoring functions into each workflow permits the use of business intelligence analytics within your BPM solution. These analytics serve as process inputs for the BPM software creating a reference where the process deficiencies can be identified, workflow or resources can be shifted and the process optimized... automatically or through user interaction. Combining workflow monitoring, analytics and optimization is a must for a successful BPM project.
5. Select a workflow software tool that meets your immediate and future needs for features and from a technology perspective.
Remembering that no two programmers will ever program an application or a section of code exactly the same way it is important to select a BPM software tool where your resources currently understand and are comfortable using. Successful BPM projects do not typically contain a requirement for the company to hire programmers or business process consultants every time they want to make a change. The effort to select a tool that is easy to maintain, easy to implement and easy to support will pay dividends year after year throughout the projects life-cycle.